Members of L'Alliance Francophone

NameTotal creditRecent average creditCountry
1) [AF] Kalianthys 10,260,579 9,824.07 Antarctica
2) Alan St-Pierre 83,148 1,647.74 Canada
3) [AF>Slappyto] popolito 87,213 722.34 France
4) Rhodan71 1,658,215 244.97 France
5) Profile [AF>France>Sale-caractere] Antares 64,886 198.48 France
6) [CSF] Christian Carquillat 730,348 171.21 France
7) Admin 397,132 85.98 France
8) Nichan 1,653 27.63 France
9) Profile [AF>Amis des Lapins] chapam 138,756 22.00 Switzerland
10) jacky 802 12.48 France
11) [AF> EDLS] Samuel debergh 352 11.24 France
12) [AF>Amis des Lapins] Ceclo 1,711,989 5.20 Switzerland
13) [AF>France>Est>Rhone-Alpes>Isere] Krapouyo 36,434 4.29 France
14) Jacky 60,310 1.92 France
15) fzs600 5,305,196 0.49 France
16) higgins29 425 0.33 France
17) Profile [AF>Amis de la mer]_JFC 40,631 0.22 France
18) PhilTheNet 100,298 0.10 France
19) alexander 21,888 0.10 None
20) Pierre 13,753 0.10 France
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