Members of L'Alliance Francophone

NameTotal creditRecent average creditCountry
1) [AF>Amis des Lapins] Ceclo 1,302,393 4,737.31 Switzerland
2) Profile [AF>Amis des Lapins] chapam 100,717 1,780.82 Switzerland
3) Rhodan71 1,403,498 1,604.94 France
4) Admin 18,763 1,418.21 France
5) [AF] Kalianthys 9,984,892 1,223.45 Antarctica
6) Jacky 45,792 155.67 France
7) [CSF] Christian Carquillat 644,435 117.91 France
8) [AF>Libristes]MortelKni 455,572 64.20
9) fzs600 5,278,254 44.78 France
10) Profile [AF>France>Sale-caractere] Antares 61,640 22.94 France
11) Pierre 13,753 4.50 France
12) [AF>Libristes]IxPo 843,537 2.68 France
13) Arkhenia 553,819 1.53 France
14) Profile [AF>Libristes]Maeda 1,202,999 1.33
15) [AF>Le_Pommier] Jerome_C2005 1,132,985 0.61 Mexico
16) PhilTheNet 100,298 0.10 France
17) alexander 21,888 0.10 None
18) Xavier 3,597 0.10 France
19) [AF>WildWildWest]Sebastien 484,123 0.10
20) Xenon 326,920 0.10 French Polynesia
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