Members of Planet 3DNow!

NameTotal creditRecent average creditCountry
1) p3d-cluster 13,763,228 32,745.71
2) Landjunge 10,128,035 401.82 Germany
3) Stony666 9,355,726 46,671.03 Germany
4) thorsam 8,313,985 0.09
5) Ereignishorizont 6,291,475 11,751.23 Germany
6) Herby44 5,190,441 9,824.09 Germany
7) L@MiR 1,092,797 5,191.06 Libya
8) Florian 471,981 5,652.10
9) Sabroe_SMC 380,969 1,486.26
10) JagDoc 340,385 6,434.29
11) MartinRieger 298,919 2.83 Germany
12) eiernacken1983 201,840 18,183.40 Germany
13) Moor 158,678 14,729.43
14) FritzB 150,701 12,821.57
15) OS1 104,813 252.92 None
16) Cashran 92,572 8,527.76
17) erde-m@Planet3DNow! 80,661 7,670.68 Germany
18) ydeeps 73,245 5,034.54 Germany
19) Magiceye04 67,012 6,086.88 Antarctica
20) MrBad 58,162 2,782.23 Antarctica
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