Members of LinusTechTips_Team

NameTotal creditRecent average creditCountry
1) Egon3 15,525 1,469.37 United States
2) kiPPei 9,407 852.72
3) Gameplayer9198 12,465 793.05 None
4) leadeater 7,295 704.62 New Zealand
5) Favebook 4,068 381.68
6) kilrah 2,673 255.08 Switzerland
7) Chachunka 2,101 199.77
8) HoldSquat 1,546 145.35 International
9) McDaWisel 1,063 102.54
10) office 836 75.43 United Kingdom
11) jowi90 791 75.22 Germany
12) Ginger Penguin 571 54.03
13) JfromNucleon 449 42.58
14) AamirAzad 210 19.73
15) will0hlep 11 0.98 International
16) mackerel 6 0.52 United Kingdom
17) MrTyphlosion1000 2,192 0.10 None
18) Zashtys 140 0.09 Canada
19) zhangtianli 3,307 0.09 China
20) jimwoo56 7,531 0.09 United States
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